Hello blog world !! 🌎

There may have been little noise coming from this end, but rest assured this #TrendyBizLady has been quit the busy lady! 

How are you with your to-do lists ?!?!  Hopefully, you’ve been up on them, and using them effectively to execute your goals! 

As for me, I can’t hold you accountable if I’m not true to this !!!  My approach to to-do lists is one that accommodates my lifestyle.  My to-do lists are compartmentalized and categorized so I am able to look at each area and see just how close (or far off) I am in reaching my goals.  Also, I have a separate book for work and personal.  Doing this helps me to separate each area, as well as keep me organized! πŸ“š  Decorating and accesorizing the to-do lists keeps it creative and fun !  I use emoji stickers and crafts that reflect how I feel, what I’m working on, and that give me some encouragement when needed.  See my pic below of an example of my to-do lists! πŸ˜†